Monday, April 18, 2011

The Art of Sending

Team Campbell and Friends…

Our STS team at the Campbell Ministry has been steadily studying through the Book of Luke…

Always a great time to study the Gospels and take a closer, investigative look into the life of Jesus Christ and take inventory of what things each of us has made a priority versus the things that Jesus has given us insight into what the Heavenly Father considers as a priority.

One of the things that Jesus made a heavy priority was the training and sending out of His disciples. Jesus invests a large amount of time modeling for the disciples what to do and how to go about doing it…. And then He sends them out to get out there and gain some experience in ‘laboring’ for the Kingdom while also making a heavy impact toward taking ground from Satan and beating back where he has formerly controlled regions and areas in people’s hearts and minds…

Just wanted to share a few points from James C’s devotional before our STS study as we went over Luke 10 just last week…

The 6 Is of Sending...

· INVOLVED- Jesus involved the disciples in the process of laboring and fishing for the Kingdom- Lk 10:1

· IDENTIFY needs- Jesus saw the need for laborers for the harvest and communicated to the disciples the great need Lk 10:2

· INFORMED them of the dangers- Jesus told them that they would be sent out like sheep among wolves Lk 10:3

· IGNITED a sense of urgency- Jesus told the disciples to move out quickly and not stop on the road and avoid distractions to get out to the places to interact in the villages Lk 10:4

· INTRUCTED them with a course of action- Jesus told them how to go about being received and what to do when they were rejected Lk 10:10

· ILLUMINATED the difference between majors and minors- Lk 10:17 Jesus was excited for them but continued to keep them focused on what to be truly excited about

Jesus told us in Matt 4:19 “Come follow Me and I will MAKE you Fishers of men”

As followers of Christ- we OUGHT to be becoming skilled in the art of sending out others and training others to be sent out- as we must also be interacting with others around us for Christ as well.

If you are finding yourself unskilled and fumbling as a ‘fisher of men’… it may mean a re-prioritization of time is in order and a re-determining of who you spend your time with is in order as well…

The pattern Jesus sets as an example for us is a more mature believer guides us an trains us for the battle- we must therefore make diligent effort to find these people and ensure that we are getting as much time with them as possible so that they can train us- much in the manner as Jesus trained the 12 Disciples too…


  1. Most Excellent thoughts on adjusting our disposable time for the Kingdom...for eternity is at hand.

  2. Its extremely encouraging to look at the life of Christ and see the work he did and then look at what we are doing at Fort Campbell and how it matches up so well. There are many areas for improvement but we are on the right track.
    The oppurtunity is there for people to gain the experience, it is just a matter of making the avaiable time. I wonder if there are anyways to get people to see the urgency in recieving training now? Such as: time is short and unpredictable. Or maybe that we cannot speed up the process so in order to become like Jesus we have to recieve the training, whether it be now or ten years from now.
