In truth people will make this jump. But I argue that these are the people that are already desperate for Christ, people who are already relationally isolated, and people who are broken. Because these are the people that we are attracting to us it is no wonder that we spend massive amounts of energy bandaging them and taking care of them and very quickly lose an offensive and aggressive mindset. And although these people need Christ desperately I think we are losing the battle in long term influence by separating ourselves and only being attractive to the relationally isolated population.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Measuring Our Effectiveness
In truth people will make this jump. But I argue that these are the people that are already desperate for Christ, people who are already relationally isolated, and people who are broken. Because these are the people that we are attracting to us it is no wonder that we spend massive amounts of energy bandaging them and taking care of them and very quickly lose an offensive and aggressive mindset. And although these people need Christ desperately I think we are losing the battle in long term influence by separating ourselves and only being attractive to the relationally isolated population.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Art of Sending
Team Campbell and Friends…
Our STS team at the Campbell Ministry has been steadily studying through the Book of Luke…
Always a great time to study the Gospels and take a closer, investigative look into the life of Jesus Christ and take inventory of what things each of us has made a priority versus the things that Jesus has given us insight into what the Heavenly Father considers as a priority.
One of the things that Jesus made a heavy priority was the training and sending out of His disciples. Jesus invests a large amount of time modeling for the disciples what to do and how to go about doing it…. And then He sends them out to get out there and gain some experience in ‘laboring’ for the Kingdom while also making a heavy impact toward taking ground from Satan and beating back where he has formerly controlled regions and areas in people’s hearts and minds…
Just wanted to share a few points from James C’s devotional before our STS study as we went over Luke 10 just last week…
The 6 I’s of Sending...
· INVOLVED- Jesus involved the disciples in the process of laboring and fishing for the Kingdom- Lk 10:1
· IDENTIFY needs- Jesus saw the need for laborers for the harvest and communicated to the disciples the great need Lk 10:2
· INFORMED them of the dangers- Jesus told them that they would be sent out like sheep among wolves Lk 10:3
· IGNITED a sense of urgency- Jesus told the disciples to move out quickly and not stop on the road and avoid distractions to get out to the places to interact in the villages Lk 10:4
· INTRUCTED them with a course of action- Jesus told them how to go about being received and what to do when they were rejected Lk 10:10
· ILLUMINATED the difference between majors and minors- Lk 10:17 Jesus was excited for them but continued to keep them focused on what to be truly excited about
Jesus told us in Matt 4:19 “Come follow Me and I will MAKE you Fishers of men”
As followers of Christ- we OUGHT to be becoming skilled in the art of sending out others and training others to be sent out- as we must also be interacting with others around us for Christ as well.
If you are finding yourself unskilled and fumbling as a ‘fisher of men’… it may mean a re-prioritization of time is in order and a re-determining of who you spend your time with is in order as well…
The pattern Jesus sets as an example for us is a more mature believer guides us an trains us for the battle- we must therefore make diligent effort to find these people and ensure that we are getting as much time with them as possible so that they can train us- much in the manner as Jesus trained the 12 Disciples too…
Monday, January 10, 2011
Some thoughts from One of our Team mates overseas..
Just wanted to share a quick email from one of our guys overseas, Drew M.
Drew has been involved with us for 2+ years now and has caught an infectious desire to bring Christ to others and be involved with reaching the world for Christ through the multiplication of Disciplemakers and Laborers...
I just wanted to share with you guys a few thoughts that he sent me recently:
I cannot explain what God has in stored for us. I was reading in my q.t. yesterday and I came across this verse in Deuteronomy 1:8. " See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore he would give to your fathers-to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-and their descendants after them." I have been thinking about the word possession. This word is used frequently in the old testament. Joe, when you said about having a Disciple and a labor in every Battalion on Campbell, it hit me that morning that God wants us to possess the Land. GO-GET IT! It starts with the insiders (Jeff V, myself and others) I did some research and there are 32 Battalions at Campbell. That is going to be a lot lot of work but I am standing by Jeremiah 32: 17 "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you" We have promises by God himself to back this up! I really believe this Joe! I am encouraged that the LEADERS have instilled in us the vision and how important it to take hold of it.
Team Campbell and Friends.......
Drew's excitement and desire reminds me of Caleb in the OT when the other guys gave a bad report about the land that they had spied out and that God has given them.
Num 13:30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."
Caleb was confident that they could take the land- no matter what was in their path BECAUSE God was with them. His fellow brother spies however responded in fear despite Joshua and Caleb's urging to go up to take the land. And..... the Israelites paid for their discouragement, fear, and inaction with their lives.
Team Campbell and Friends....
Our task and vision for Ft. Campbell is ambitious and challenging- but our God is BIG AND POWERFUL...... and on OUR SIDE. Therefore- our vision to reach Ft. Campbell and put a laboring disciple in every battalion is reachable and attainable.
Do you want to be part of reaching and changing the world for Christ??
We are starting here at Campbell.....
Monday, January 11, 2010
In it… Coleman outlines Jesus’ plan to reach the World for God. His plan- train a few … invest in them in such a way that they will be driven to do the same. Coleman breaks down Jesus’ strategy in find these men and discipling them to become disciplemakers.
The first step that Coleman talks about in Chapter 1 is Selection.
The following are thoughts that came from our STS biblestudy group as we discussed chapter 1.
- Selection- the choosing of men to train and invest in who will be capable of leading and training others for the cause of Christ
- Is it worth doing?" "Is it getting the job done?" –questions that Coleman challenges us to ask in our churches and ministries in order to see if the activities we are doing and involved with- are actually meeting Christ’s goal of making disciples who are actively pursuing Christ, walking with God, and attempting to disciple others around them
- What are the criteria that Jesus used to ‘choose’ His men?
They were willing to learn…
They were willing to give up everything to follow Christ- Matt 4:20 … at once they left their nets and followed Him…
They were looking for more…
They were frustrated with the current model of what it mean to ‘follow God’ - The helping of a few ensures that we are ‘multiplying’ the people who will be able to lead others- therefore investing in a few allows us to help a larger number of people because we train others to be leaders who can help others…
- It seems like the bottom line of what Coleman was trying to illustrate is how each of us can do a similar practice is investing in a few men rather than attempting to help everyone at once- invest in a few and train them effectively, affect them deeply, and then send them out to reach others in their own spheres
What are your thoughts on Coleman’s idea of ‘selection?’
How have you seen Jesus using this principle as He was beginning His ministry?
What are your thoughts on attempting to apply this principle yourself?
Do you have questions about trying to apply this principle in your ministry context?